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United, we can achieve fair wages and better working conditions for all archaeologists.
Enhanced Rate Memberships
Full-time (more than 21hrs p/w)
€5.20 p/w
Part-time (21hrs or less p/w)
€3.05 p/w
Special Rate Memberships
Low pay (under €28,287 per year)
€3.40 p/w
Unwaged (Unemployed, full-time education, and back to work)
€0.72 p/w
Union Membership fees
€0.66 p/w
Site Assistant rates-of-pay (2023-2025) – by order of hourly rate:
site assistant rates of pay 2025
(Table data based on job advertisements by each company. If rates change, please let us know, and we will update).
* = estimate # = 77.2% taxed
s/a = subsistence/accommodation provided, but not specified

Dont Forget!
Employers are legally obliged to provide you with all neccessary PPE, appropriate to your site and the weather.
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